“What’s your blog about?”

Yesterday I attended the third annual Minnesota Bloggers Conference. It wasn’t the sessions that made me want to go: it was the community. I wanted to meet real people with real blogs. And I did! And it turns out that the Twin Cities are a little small (not a surprise) and I recognized a lot of faces! Which was great. Really, truly.

But what was missing for me was the personal connection to one’s blog. Sometimes I try to be a food blogger, or a craft blog, or a travel blog… But mostly I’m just a girl who wants to remember the awesome parts of her life. I want to remember what makes me excited and inspires me. And I want to share! In a way that says, “Here, world, I did this amazing thing – and I’d love to know if you’ve done it, too.” Let’s exchange experiences, you know?

Sometimes I struggle with exactly how much to share, though. Because, of course, I have struggles that maybe it’d be nice to share – to make things not so difficult to talk about. To release secrets can be cathartic – and why do my frustrations need to be secret when I probably could connect with someone who’s been though the same thing?

That’s what my blog is about. I want to share and remember. I want to connect. I want to get excited and nerdy! I want to let go of stress and trouble.

So, I don’t post very often but I always have the intention. Almost every day I find something I’d like to write or photograph and share, but then I get distracted or give myself an excuse not to do that. I need to quit that.

By the way: thank you to the other Minnesota bloggers I met yesterday. You are fabulous people! You inspire me.

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